Customer Zone

Customer experience means everything to me. That’s why my customers receive access to modern tools that enable them to access additional materials and enable smooth collaboration.

Access to my Learning Management System (LMS)

All of my training participants receive access to my LMS platform. You can find electronic versions of training materials there. You can also access additional content, such as recordings of my conference talks.

LMS FAQ & Troubleshooting

Your account needs to be activated before you can login for the first time. Check your e-mail account and look for a message titled “Welcome to Grzegorz Szalajko’s Training Center”. You should have an activation link there. If you can’t find that message, check your spam folder first. If it’s not there, please contact me by e-mail and I will send you a fresh activation link.

I’ve started to provide a pilot access to my LMS platform in late 2023, with all my digital training materials becoming available in 2024.

If you have participated in my training before that year, in some cases you can still get access by requesting it here:

Please note that if you have participated in training session led by me, but organized by another training partner, I might not always be able to provide digital training materials through my platform. Please contact the training organizer if you need electronic copy of your materials.

Most course materials are only available for 12 months after you have received the access.

If you need access for longer, you can always download a PDF version of the materials and keep it forever. Please keep in mind that you need to download it before your 12 month access expires.

Book a session with me using Calendly

If you are my regular customer, you can book consulting, mentoring and coaching sessions with me using Calendly. It’s the easiest way to check my availability and book the session immediately.

Calendly FAQ & Troubleshooting

If you haven’t received a booking code from me yet, please let me know by e-mail and I will fix this ASAP :-)

Please keep in mind that it might take 24-48 hours to respond as I’m often traveling and/or leading workshops.

My Calendly account is only integrated with MS Teams and Zoom at the moment. Still, I’m open to meet you on other platforms as well.

You can check my availability using Calendly and send me a meeting request manually using the platform of your choice.

Only virtual meetings are supported at the moment. Contact me directly if you prefer to meet me in person.

Credly badges

All my training participants receive a Credly badge together with a downloadable digital certificate in PDF. Credly by Pearson hosts the largest and most-connected digital credential network. It helps you to verify your training participation and skills and easily share your achievements on social media.

Credly FAQ & Troubleshooting

I’ve started to issue Credly badges in May 2024. If you have participated in my training before that, in most cases you can still get your badge by requesting it here:


Please note that if you have participated in training session led by me, but organized by another training partner, I might not always be able to provide a badge for you. Please contact the training organizer to find out if they provide such badges.

Prior to May 2024 I was not archiving personal data of my training participants, especially for corporate training sessions. That’s mostly due to privacy concerns and contractual obligations with some of my corporate clients. Therefore, for all historical badges I need to verify your attendance using evidence provided by you.

All your Credly badges are configured as permanent. That means that they will be available as long as Credly provides their services. Even if for some reason I would stop using their services, your badges will remain active.